Welcome to the MCSWCD Board
Ralph and Matt

It's FISH SALE Time!
Christian County SWCD in Taylorville is taking orders now for April 23, 2025 pick up.
Contact them at 217-824-2123

Hillsboro Lakes Watershed Initiative
Thank you to everyone that attended the watershed results meeting. We look forward to using this survey to guide our conservation efforts to protect our drinking water source.

Another Way to Connect with SWCDs
Soil and Water Conservation Districts throughout Illinois work to protect the rich, fertile soils and water resources of the state through strategic conservation efforts. Soil and Water Conservation Districts, working in conjunction with agricultural as well as environmental stakeholders, have for decades played a central role in efforts to protect and sustain the viability of Illinois’ finite natural resources for future generations.
You are invited to our Monthly Board Meeting
The Board of Directors meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be held April 9, 2025 at 8pm at the SWCD office. The public is welcome to attend.
Illinois Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations 2024-25
Copies of this guide are available for free at the SWCD office

The mission of the Montgomery County Soil and Water Conservation District is to ensure a leadership role in natural resource conservation, provide technical service and information to the people of Montgomery County that will control and prevent soil erosion, prevent air and water pollution, conserve wildlife, grassland and forest land, and ensure land use conversion is properly managed and to correctly identify areas that should remain as wetlands.
History of SWCDs

Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) were founded in the midst of the Dust Bowl Era to meet an educational and technical need for conservation. These districts were to hire conservation professionals who could educate and assist local land users whose farming practices were contributing to the wind and water erosion happening on rural and urban soils. In Montgomery County the district was formed in the county seat of Hillsboro in 1941. The Montgomery County SWCD is still very active in the county more than eighty years later.
The SWCD is a unit of local government which is held to state statute and is governed by a board of five elected officials who either reside in or own property within its boundaries. The board meets monthly to conduct its business. The office is staffed with two full time employees and office space is provided by its federal partner, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

10 Reasons To Know Your SWCD
1. Not Just For Farmers Anymore
2. Conservation Delivery Infrastructure
3.Technical Know How
4.Track Record
5. Cost-effective, multipurpose tools
6. Trusted Resources
7. One Stop Access to State and Federal Programs
8. Citizen Oriented
9. Voluntary, Incentive Based Solutions
10. Educating the Future
Montgomery County SWCD
1621 Vandalia Rd
Hillsboro, IL 62049
Email: info@montswcd.com
Call: 217-532-3361, ext. 3