Natural Area Guardians
Rt. 66 Prairie Restoration
The Rt. 66 Prairie is a restoration site located north of Litchfield between Interstate 55 and Historic Rt. 66. The NAGs have spent countless hours tending to and collecting seed each year to maintain and help the prairie grow. New additions to the site are parking, an ADA accessible trail and educational kiosks. The prairie is sure to become a popular tourist attraction along Historic Rt. 66.
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HAH Planting
When Hillsboro Area Hospital built its fitness and aquatics center, they were left with a borrow pit that would soon begin holding water. They enlisted the help of the NAGs to plant some native grasses and flowers to control bank erosion and also add beauty to the area.
In the photo below, you can see members Ken Schaal, Glenn Savage and Henry Eilers doing a frost seeding in the area.

Arches Rail Trail
The Arches Rail Trail is a three mile hiking/biking trail that runs between Bremer Sanctuary north of Hillsboro to the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Butler. The trail can be accessed at either end. It is a natural trail with plenty of flora and fauna to be observed along the way. The trail's name comes from the existence of a double arched railroad trestle located along the route.
Find more about the trail on Facebook
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